Metabolism is the chemical reactions in body cells that changes food into energy. Good metabolism is the key to a longer life – get your body chemistry right.

How do you do this?

  • Play the long game. Work-out and move your body for as long as your body allows you to. Cardio will get your heart working. Working on your core builds stamina and strength. A combination of core and cardio will balance your body and boost your metabolism.
  • “I remember the advice my Olympic coach gave me about training on an empty stomach,” says Ray. “If you want to burn fat and loose weight, don’t eat before you train.” Intense training may be a proven fat-burner but do it judicially as exercising too much will strain your body and adversely affect your immune system.
    • The way to do this is to start slow – get your body accustomed to your training programme and don’t overdo it from the start.
    • Do a 30-minute session, then once you feel comfortable, you increase the time.
    • In the morning, get your caffeine fix. It also helps with your bowel movements.
    • During the day make sure you eat healthy – avoid processed and eat more whole foods. Protein is the key to boosting metabolic health because it plays a key role in building muscle and it takes a lot of energy to digest.
    • At night, before going to bed, a glass of milk enhanced with a spoonful of protein can be a healthy nightcap for a metabolic lift. It can help improve and maintain your muscles overnight.
  • Being outdoors in nature and in the sunlight is what our body and mind yearn for. Outdoor exercise oxygenates the body more, increases the blood circulation and boosts energy levels.  Take a barefooted walk on a wet sandy beach for a bit of free natural magic for your health.


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